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August '24 Update

Dear fans,

Casgra here. Hope you're all having a great summer. Last month my younger brother and I went on a 4 hour hike. Both downhill and uphill. I've never seen him so tired in all the years I've known him. At the beginning of our hike he was all into it and a real chatter box, but come towards the end he was just trying to preserve what little fuel he had left. Meanwhile I couldn't wait to get the weight off my feet. It felt so nice to get back to camp. That night we enjoyed a nice 12 year old scotch by the campfire with some good eating too.

Now for some updates on what I've been rendering. I'm still working on that SFW comic which I'm calling "The Rejects". Bridget and her man move in to their new home. While her husband is at work the next day, Bridget discovers that she's not alone.

She finds four little roaches trying to steal her cookies. Before she sprays them with the Bugz Ded spray, they tell her a true story which explains why they are there and why they call themselves "the Rejects". But does Bridget believe their story. It's good fun and there's not going to be a part 2. It just this one cute funny story. Almost like a Pixar film. I have around 55 images and still a lot more to go.

But before this E as in Everybody rated comic becomes available at Renderotique, I give you "Climax 2"

The difference with this one compared to the first is that it offers a little more, meaning each image has a follow up. Basically 2 of each couple or threesome. It'll also come with 3 large desktop images. 52 images in total and they're all bellissimo! I'm sure you will all love it.

Well, that's that! I'll talk to you all again soon.

Bye bye!


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Sounds like you had a great day with your brother. Did the landscape give you any creative ideas? Or does it help you ‘switch off’ and give your mind a rest from the daily toil?


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Oh, what a great life to walk! I think the best part was happy hour! Cheers!😀😎

Oh oho... Brudget "playing" with cockroaches... it's going to be fun... too bad they don't become big bugs and make a NSFW with her... 😁

More Climax? I can't wait to see them!😍

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